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I had my own little buy nothing day today. After a bit too much shopping over the weekend, I felt like perhaps a spending freeze was in order. It’s something that is good for me right now.

I was looking at the statistics provided by wordpress and saw a reference to my post last year on “Buy Nothing Day.”  I had completely forgotten about it!  “Buy Nothing Day” falls on what is traditionally known as “Black Friday” in North America.  It’s a time of intense sales, lines and sometimes evil tempers.

As I post this ad, let me just say that I do not necessarily endorse the philosophy of this movement–but rather the spirit of the movement.  I don’t think that “bringing the capitalist consumption machine to a grinding halt” is the answer to all our problems.  What I do believe is that dealing with our own desires to own more and more and more will solve many of our over-consumption problems.

That said, here’s a little reminder. You don’t even have to visit the website, just keep in mind that on November 27th, there is a call to observe your own “Buy Nothing Day.”

I feel like this illustration when I’m trying to refrain from buying…